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Good Vibes Customization
Updated over 2 months ago

As mentioned in our Good Vibes user manual, this feature gives people the chance to gives others positivity and recognition.

With Good Vibes customization, you can make the recognition cards a fun expression of your own organization's culture beyond our ready-to-use prompts!

Officevibe's ready-to-use card collection consists of the following sections:

  • Team player

  • Positivity

  • Excellence

  • Leadership

  • Showing up

Creating Your Own Collection

A collection is a container for a group of recognition cards that share a common theme. When you create a new collection, it is available to the entire organization.

  1. Click the Settings icon at the top of your homepage and click Good Vibes under the Features section.

  2. Click + New Collection to create your own collection.

  3. Give your collection a name, and select a colour and image for it. Click Create Collection when you're done.

    • Pick a name that reflects one of the ideals of your organization. For example, if one of your ideals is "be kind", you could name the collection "Act of Kindness".

  4. On the next page, click + New card, then enter the message that will be on the card and click Create Card. The card will be added to your collection.

    • Since recognition cards are for the whole organization, make them inclusive of different roles, personality types, departments, cultures, etc.

    • Consider situations where helping goes unnoticed.

    • You could also include a popular reference, such as "Who is a Jedi Master" if there are a lot of Star Wars fans.

Managing Your Collections

To manage a collection, go to the Good Vibes page from Settings, then select a collection.

You can enable/disable Officevibe's default recognition cards and collections, but you cannot modify or delete them.

Manage your recognition cards

Here's what you can do with the cards:

  • Enable or disable cards: Use the toggle button beside a card to enable or disable it. Use the topmost toggle button to enable or disable all the cards in the collection.

  • Edit cards: Click a recognition prompt to edit it. The change won't affect any cards with this prompt that have already been sent out.

  • Delete cards: Click a recognition prompt, then click Delete card. This will make the card permanently unavailable moving forward, but won't delete cards with this prompt that have already been sent out.

  • Add a new card: Click + New card to create a new card in the collection.

Manage the collection properties

Click the Details tab to view or modify the custom collection itself. You can edit any property of the custom collection, or delete it entirely.

Note: If you disable all cards in all collections, you will still be able to access all Good Vibes sent in the past and have the option to send cards "From Scratch" within the platform, but members will no longer be asked to provide recognition after Pulse Surveys.

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