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Virtual classrooms and webinars recording
Updated over a month ago

As a part of the Pro and Enterprise plan inclusions, you can record your virtual classrooms pr webinars in order to allow your students to stream them once they are finished.

This tool is perfect to help students who could not be present during the live broadcast!

Note: It is your responsibility to ensure everyone present in the classroom is aware they are being recorded and that the recording will be available for enrolled students after the class.

Start a recording

Begin by creating a virtual classroom or a webinar. When the time comes, start your session like you normally would.

During the event, use the button located at the top center of your classroom to start recording.

This button allows you to start and pause recording at any time during your class. Each time, a confirmation message will appear.

When recording the live cast, the button changes its appearance. A timer is also displayed next to it.

You can pause the recording by clicking again on the record button. You will be prompted for confirmation again.

The record button allows you to control and curate, in real time, which parts of the virtual classroom will be included the recording.

Once the live cast is done, the system will assemble all of the recorded segments to generate a single file. The system will leave out any part that wasn't actively being recorded throughout your session.

For example, it is possible to exclude a question period in the middle of your class by pausing the recording.

It is important to note that breakout rooms and shared YouTube videos are not recorded.

When your class is finished, click on End Meeting, in the upper right menu. The system will then begin preparing your replay video.

Access recordings

Once your class is finished, your recording will be converted in order to be made available for streaming.

Preparing and converting your recording can take a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the length of your recording.

Accessing the playback as administrator or teacher:

Once your replay is ready, it will appear on the virtual classroom's or webinar's editing page. You can watch it from there.

Accessing the playback as a student:

Once the recording has been converted and automatically uploaded to your platform, your students will be able to watch it from the virtual classroom's or webinar's lesson, directly from their syllabus, as they would do with any other video lesson.

If you want to do a test recording, be sure to do it in a standalone lesson that you will be comfortable deleting.

Multiple classes initiated from the same lesson will create multiple recordings. It is not possible to hide or delete recording parts.

In the event the presenter is accidentally disconnected, relaunching a second class recorded in the same lesson will create a 2nd recording part.

Be advised that the chat window and conversations will be recorded and displayed in the replay of your session. The names of the users interacting in the chat window will be showcased as well.

Hide a lesson with a recording

You can prevent your students from accessing a recording after a certain period of time with the lessons/modules visibility button. This will make the replay inaccessible.

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