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General navigation
Updated over 2 months ago

We’ve tried to make Workleap Onboarding as easy to use as possible, which is why the main menu is used to navigate quickly between all the pages. We’ll go over each of the menu options, and when you may not see the menu in the article below.

There are a couple of other features that you might want a little more information about such as using filters, search, and sorting. We go into detail about how each of these features works in the article below as well!

What does this article cover?

Main menu

Workleap Onboarding’s main menu can be found in the sidebar of almost every page. The main menu is how you can quickly navigate between the program features described below:


This page displays any activities assigned to you. For more information see our article: View assigned activities.


Here is where you can create and manage your onboarding plans. When you open a plan, the main menu will collapse so you can see the calendar view of your plan. Click the back arrow next to the plan name in order to close it and see the main menu again.

For more information on templates, see the following articles:


The Templates page lets you choose from standard templates to jumpstart your plans or create and use custom templates. When you open a template, the main menu will collapse so you can see the calendar view of the template. Click the back arrow next to the template name in order to close it and see the main menu again.

For more information on templates, see the following articles:


This opens the Resources page where you can add and manage resources like images, documents, and videos for your plans.

For more information on resources, see the following articles:


Clicking Settings opens a dropdown list of all the account information you can set up for Workleap Onboarding.


Here is where you can customize your Workleap Onboarding account for your organization by adding a company logo, color scheme, and banner. See our article Customize my organization for more information.


This opens the Users page where you can add and manage users for your account. See our article Manage users for more information.


This opens the list of surveys available to include in your onboarding plan. See our article Pulse surveys and reports for more information.

Onboarding roles

This opens the list of Onboarding roles available in your templates. See our article Understanding roles for more information.


Here is where you can set up integrations between third-party software and Workleap Onboarding. See our articles on integrations:


This opens the Billing page where you can select your plan level, your billing cycle, and set up your payment method for Workleap Onboarding. See our article Manage billing and payment for more information.

Profile settings

Access your profile settings by clicking your username at the bottom left of a page and selecting Profile.

If you are on an individual plan or template page, the profile settings will not be available. You will first have to click the back arrow by the page name in order to see your username initials.

On the Profile page, you can update your username information, timezone, and password. See our article Profile and password information for more details.


On the Users, Resources, Templates, and Onboarding pages, you can filter the information displayed so you can find what you need quickly!


On the Users, Resources, Templates, and Onboarding pages, you can search for the information you need. The search feature works for the text fields on a page. This means that on the Onboarding page, you can search by the Name of a plan and the Teammates in a plan, as these are unique text values.

The search feature is all-inclusive. That means, that if on the Onboarding page, you searched for the letter “n,” your results would include both John Smith and Jason Doe because both of their names contain an “n” in the text.

Sort columns

Most columns in Workleap Onboarding can be sorted to make it easier to organize your information. On the Onboarding, Resources, and Users pages, you may want to sort things by date or titles. To sort a column, simply click on the drop-down at the top right of the list.

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