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Group Supervisors
Updated over a month ago

As a part of our Pro and Enterprise plans, the group supervisor feature allows you to assign manager-like responsibilities to users.

Group supervisors are able to track the progress of each users associated with their groups. This empowers specific users to be in charge of employees training compliance and provide support for HR experts.

Decentralizing the employee progression tracking responsibility is an effective way to optimize your business management flow and the use of your platform! It makes your managers and employees accountable for their training requirements.

Group Supervisor Permission

The Group Supervisor permission can be granted to any users, regardless of their role on the platform

A group supervisor can:

  • See the groups for which he is responsible

  • View users assigned to his groups

  • Monitor the enrollment, course progress and completions data of users

  • View the overall test gradings, without accessing the individual answers

  • Access the different scoped reports to monitor his users.

How to assign a user as a group supervisor

Go to Users > Groups.

A group supervisor must be assigned to a subgroup.

Click on the sub-group for which you want to assign a manager.

In order to be able to be assigned as a group supervisor, the person must have an account on your platform.

Type the name of the user in the "search user" field, select his user account and click on the "Add" button to assign him as the group supervisor.

Be advised that you can assign multiple supervisors to a single user group.

Should you need to, the "Remove" button allows you to remove the group supervisor's permission from a user.

Managing a user group

A user designated as a group supervisor will see a new section added to the main menu.

Monitoring users

Under My groups > Users, the group supervisor has access to all the groups he oversees. He can access the list of users associated with each group with a single click.

The user profile contains all the information on the user enrollments, course progress and completions.

By clicking on an enrollment record, the group supervisor will be able to see the enrollment details.

Viewing reports

Under My groups > Reports, the supervisor has direct access to the various reports, scoped to his group's information. These are all exportable in .csv or .xlsx.

If a group supervisor quickly wants to know who is compliant and who is not, using the various filters will quickly identify employees who still have incomplete training.

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