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Add Dotted Line Relationships
Updated over 2 months ago

Dotted Lines are the perfect way to represent complex or secondary relationships on your Org Chart. For example, a Designer who reports to an Art Director may have a secondary relationship to the Mobile Team Lead. Dotted Lines let you display that additional relationship clearly and discreetly without changing contexts.

Follow these steps to add dotted lines:

  1. Hover over a card on your chart and select the Add (+) button above or below the card.

  2. Choose Dotted Line from the listed options.

  3. Type the name of the person you're making a connection to and select them when they appear.

  4. Select Save.

create a dotted line

Dotted Line relationships are represented on cards by the number of dotted lines a person holds surrounded by a hashed or dotted line.

dotted lines on cards

To view a person's dotted lines, select the dotted line headcount icon on their card, or select More (...) and select Show Dotted Lines. Add (+) and subtract () buttons appear in the dotted line view so that you can edit relationships quickly.

view dotted lines

Note: Dotted line relationships do not affect Department associations and cannot be imported via CSV or sync. They are not currently included in Org Chart Exports.

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