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Choose the Right Custom Field Type for Your Data
Choose the Right Custom Field Type for Your Data
Updated over 2 months ago

When creating Custom Fields, choose between any of the following field types to make sure your data is presented in the place and format in profiles:

  • Text: Text-box of either short or long length, best for bios, stories, or short notes.

  • Choice: Drop-down menu, allowing employees to choose one or more items from a list of options. Data in a Choice field type can be color-coded

  • Tag: Automatically creates a tag for your company's Pingboard every time a new answer is entered. Best used for fields like “Interests”, “Favorite Foods”, etc – these tags become searchable by default, so you can see if multiple employees enjoy the same interests, foods, share the same skills, etc.

  • Phone: For entering phone numbers (appears in the top section of a person's profile, underneath their main phone number).

  • Email: For entering email addresses (appears in the top section of a person's profile, underneath their main email address).

  • URL: Choose a title for your field and use it to store URLs to important data like "Resumé/CV", "Seating Chart Position", etc.

  • Date: For entering dates, like start-dates, anniversaries, or dates of specific accomplishments.

  • Number: For asking about numbers, like “How many cats do you own?” or "What's your employee number?"

  • Checkbox: One or more checkboxes defined by admins. This is another good one to use for specific interests or skills as they pertain to your company.

  • Person: Drop-down menu, allowing employees to select from other users in your organization's Pingboard – best used for fields like “I report to”, “Favorite Person”, or "Work Buddy".

  • Address: For fields like "Home Address", "PO Box", etc.

Tip: If showing Location on a role card, use a Choice field to be able to color-code them for easier at-a-glance viewing of who works where.

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