If employees are synced to Pingboard but your Org Chart isn't built or updated automatically, check your managerValue mapping in Okta to make sure it's sending the right data (manager's Email or Full Name).
What might be wrong?
Pingboard checks the managerValue attribute that Okta sends for each employee to make sure it contains a manager's Email address or Full Name. We use that data to identify existing profiles in your Pingboard account and connect employees to their managers on your org chart. If the managerValue attribute is empty or has the wrong type of information in it, Pingboard won't be able to match employees to their managers to build and/or update your chart.
How do I fix it?
To check your managerValue mapping, sign in to the Admin panel in Okta and follow these steps:
Navigate to Applications, then find and select Pingboard to edit the Pingboard's settings.
Select Provisioning.
Scroll down and select Go to Profile Editor.
Select Map Attributes, then choose Okta to Pingboard.
Check the value sent to the managerValue attribute and make sure you're sending either managers' Email or Full Name.
Enter an employee's name or email into the Preview field at the bottom left to see what values will be sent for that employee.
When your mappings look correct, select Save Mappings and choose Apply Now to start a new sync to Pingboard.
Tip: Employees can only be matched to managers that are in Pingboard. If an employee exists in Pingboard but their manager does not, a match to the managerValue won't be found and the employee will be left off of the org chart.