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Bulk Provisioning for Members & Teams
Bulk Provisioning for Members & Teams
Updated over 2 months ago

Managing your members and teams on Officevibe can be done easily via the Bulk Provisioning tab using our downloaded Excel file.

A visual of the Bulk Provisioning process

Here's how to create and fill in your file to ensure the import is successful!

1. Download your Excel file

As an Administrator, go to Settings > Bulk provisioning. Then go into the Bulk Provisioning tab, which is in the Member and team management section. Click Download File.

If integration is configured, you'll need to deactivate the integration first. This will allow you to apply changes manually. Afterward, you can reactivate the integration, but keep in mind that an active provisioning integration could overwrite your manual changes.

2. Edit and fill in your Excel file

The file can be used after your first import to keep your list of members up to date. You'll need to download the file from Officevibe whenever you want to make changes.

  • By adding lines in the file, you can invite new members.

  • By removing existing members from the file, you can deactivate their Officevibe profile.

  • By using the file, you can either add the member to an existing team or create new teams.

  • The system will update your segments by modifying the property associated with a member in the file.

When you have downloaded the file, you will get an Excel document with all of the current details of the members in your account:

Email: The member's email (all lowercase). This will be the member's username. To change a member's email address, refer to the procedure here.

First Name: The member's first name.

Last Name: The member's last name.

Title (optional): The member's job title; Members can add job titles in their personal settings.

Email of the immediate manager (optional): The email (in lowercase) of the member's immediate manager will be used to create teams. All should have a supervisor except the CEO.

Note: If you want to add the member to several teams, you will have to do it manually
in the application or via a CSV import.

Important: Deactivated in-app members manually will not be reactivated by the bulk option (including CSV and integrations).

Preferred language (optional): Survey language. Here are the options:

  • English

  • Français

  • Español

  • Português

  • Deutsche

Contact by SMS: Whether Officevibe can send SMS messages to the member. You will also need to provide a Mobile Phone Number in the next column for this to work.

The other columns correspond to properties you must first define in the application: Officevibe Member's Properties.

Date properties must be formatted as follows: YYYY-MM-DD (including the hyphens).


3. Upload your Excel File

Once you have entered the details for the members you are looking to invite, you can save your file in .xlsx format. Now that your file is ready, you can upload it into the 'Drag & Drop' section.


If this is your first import, you can create members to invite them later or invite them directly via email. To do this, go to Settings > Organization. Then toggle on or off this option: Once members are created, automatically invite them to Officevibe.

4. Review and Confirm your upload

When you attempt to upload the Excel file, you will be prompted with the changes the document will make in the account and any errors in your document.

If this is your first import, you will have to finalize the organizational structure manually in the application by combining teams (ex: team A + team B + team C = Department ABC).

If you click "VIEW," you'll have the details for all modifications and/or errors.

Members who are deactivated manually in-app will not be reactivated by the bulk option (including CSV and integrations).

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