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1-on-1: How to set it up
Updated over 2 months ago

One-on-one meetings are amongst the most important tools a manager has and one of the best ways to ensure high individual and team performance. They help build trust, align Individual Goals with Team Goals, discuss mindsets, and maintain good communication with each team member based on transparency.

This article is for managers. 1-on-1 feature access for team members is different.

You can reduce your prep time with our powerful Conversation Engine, which gives you dozens of Suggested Talking Points proven to drive productive conversations and our different 1-on-1 templates for specific topics that will allow you to start a meeting with a pre-made agenda.

1-on-1 Collaborative Agenda (Video):

How it works

You can create one-on-one meetings and view meeting agendas from the 1-on-1s tab of Workleap Officevibe.

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Collaborative 1-on-1s are private between two participants and can be used to preserve the safe space of a conversation.

For managers (Executive Manager and Team Manager), two views are available:

  1. Teams: This tab lists all 1-on-1s which exist between the logged-in managers and their Team members (direct reports or members of a team they managed).

  2. Personal: This tab lists all 1-on-1s which exist between the logged-in users and their managers (direct or higher up). These users can be managers and/or Team members.

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You have access to different 1-on-1 features in Workleap Officevibe based on your role as below:

The above roles have access to different 1-on-1 features depending on your pricing plan.

Create a new 1-on-1

To start planning your 1-on-1 meetings with your Team members in Workleap Officevibe, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click

on the 1-on-1s main dashboard page.

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Step 2: You will be prompted to prepare your agenda. You have two options to start creating your agenda - start your agenda From scratch or From a template.

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Step 3: Give a title to the agenda and add talking points.

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Step 4: When your agenda is ready, you will be able to invite the employee of your choice to collaborate on the agenda.

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You can save the agenda as a template in the premium version of Workleap Officevibe.

Invite to Collaborate

You have completed filling out the 1-on-1 talking points at this point and are ready to invite your team members to collaborate.

To invite your Team members to collaborate in Workleap Officevibe, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click Invite a member on the 1-on-1s main page, or Invite to collaborate on the New 1-on-1 form.

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Step 2: Select the Team member or Manager from one of the lists, once done, click the Done button.

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Only 1 participant can be invited to collaborate.

Once the invitation is sent, the participant will receive a notification and a 1-on-1 relationship will be created between the 2 participants.


Not quite sure how to prepare for your 1-on-1? We have you covered and have included some suggested talking points to ease the process.

You can access the talking points by clicking on Suggestions.

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Our suggested talking points were created in collaboration with neuropsychologists who use neuroscience to improve engagement, relationships at work, and team performance.

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These conversation tips touch on team and individual goals as well as engagement-related topics to generate deeper manager-team member conversations that drive greater role clarity, trusting relationships, and continuous alignment.

The Team members will also have access to the collaborative agenda to add talking points and ensure all desired topics are addressed in their 1-on-1 meeting. This will allow the member to contribute to their development and allow both the member and manager to prepare in advance.

The notes in your collaborative agenda are not accessible by any other managers, even when a member switches over to a new team. Executive Managers and Administrators in your account also won't have access to them. We consider these to be private conversations you have with your Team members so no one else can see them.

Schedule the 1-on-1

When you create a new 1-on-1, you can set up a recurrence to the new 1-on-1 meeting to avoid repeating the process in the near future.

You can begin to Schedule the 1-on-1 in Workleap Officevibe by following the steps below:

Step 1: Click Schedule on the 1-on-1s agenda page.

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Step 2: You can schedule the 1-on-1 by either synchronizing an existing meeting from your main calendar or scheduling it manually in Workleap Officevibe.

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Read more on 1-on-1: Calendar integration to complete your Google calendar integration.

Step 3: If you choose to schedule 1-on-1 manually in Workleap Officevibe, you can set/update the date, start time, duration, and recurrence.

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  • The scheduled date can only be the current day or later.

  • If recurrence is applied, please choose a frequency.

  • It is not possible to select a particular case such as the 3rd Thursday of every month.

  • You can download a .ics file that can be uploaded to your digital calendar.

  • A reminder is sent 3 days before the scheduled 1-on-1s.

  • If a recurring event is planned, a date is automatically added to the new agenda, and action items due date will apply to the next occurrence.

Step 4: Click the Save button and you will see the agenda with the date and time.

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Step 5: Click Edit Schedule to make changes to the details entered earlier.

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Step 6: To clear the scheduled date, click Delete Scheduling and then click Save.

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Meet with the Team member: Summarize the 1-on-1 and set Action Items

When you are all set to have the conversation, and it is time to meet with your team members, you can check off talking points as you go.

Feel free to add any new talking points that came up during the meeting.

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As the discussion flows, you can capture notes and action items as a result of what is discussed in the 1-on-1.

You can keep track of the action items by clicking on the member profile from the left-menu panel, or in the archived 1-on-1.

Before completing the meeting, we recommend taking time to summarize the discussion. You can add a summary that will be shared with the Team Member. Additionally, you can add a Private Note to which only you will have access.

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When the conversation is completed, you can wrap up the agenda, which will notify the Team member(s). A new 1-on-1 will be automatically created if you have scheduled the meeting as recurring.

The meeting will then be saved, and you will have access to both the archived agenda and the action items from the member profile page.

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Prepare your next 1-on-1

All your active meetings are available in the main 1-on-1s list. To prepare for your next meeting, you can either select one of the 1-on-1 in the list or create a new 1-on-1.

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If your 1-on-1 is scheduled to be recurring, the aforementioned Suggestions tab will save topics you didn't mark as completed in previous sessions. You'll be able to add them to the next 1-on-1 Collaborative Agenda.

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If you and your team member have decided to set some Action Items, you can add a “due date” to each item listed.

If you and your Team members have decided to set some Action Items, you can add a “due date” to each item listed. If the meeting is set to recurring, the action item due date will automatically be set to the next 1-on-1.

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With the right approach, holding employees accountable instills a sense of clarity, spurs proactivity, and ultimately drives performance.

If not already done - Set your Team Goals!

Create and Save Your Templates!

You can access the 1-on-1 templates by clicking the Templates button directly on the main page.

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The pre-made templates offer a wide variety of meeting examples to follow and edit as you see fit.

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You also can create and save your templates for yourself or for the Organization to use.

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You can make one from scratch or base it off a current template offered by Workleap Officevibe. Once you've finished customizing it, you can click on Save to my template library.

Once saved, you can find it again in the template section when you are ready to schedule your next 1-1 meeting!

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All the templates shared for everyone in the organization can be found under From my organization, and your personal templates can be found in My Templates.

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