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Managing resources
Updated over 2 months ago

A resource is a file or link that you attach to an activity. The article Understanding resources goes over the features of a resource. If you already understand what a resource is then continue with this article where we talk about how to add, edit, and delete resources.

What does this article cover?

Resources list

Only administrators and plan creators will have access to the Resources list page. The Resources list page contains all of the resources attached to activities for quick use. You can view the Resources list page by clicking Resources in the left menu.

The Resources list page lets you add and manage all of your resources.

1. Add resources

You can add resources and later attach them to an activity.

2. Search bar

Locate resources quickly by typing a resource title to find it.

3. Filter resources

Use the dropdowns to filter the resources displayed by type, the date added, or tags.

4. Resource titles

Resource titles and an icon letting you know the type of file a resource is can be seen at a glance.

5. Tags

The purpose of tags is to help with the classification of resources, any tags added to a resource will show here.

6. # Activities

This column lets you know how many activities use a particular resource.

7. Added by

This will show the avatar and name of the team member who added a resource to Workleap Onboarding.

8. Last edited

See the last time a resource was updated.

Add a resource

There are two ways that you can add a resource to Workleap Onboarding. You can add a resource on the Resources list page or you can add a new resource in an activity.

Add a resource for your organization

Adding resources to your organization allows you to build a central repository for all of your onboarding documents. This makes it easy to use and maintain the files in your plans.

On the Resources list page, click Add resource.

You can paste a URL link to a cloud-hosted file or public website in one section or select to upload a file. Click Next after adding a link or file.

The Resource page will open where you can add more details about the resource. For more information on resource features, see Understanding resources. Make sure to click Save to keep your information.

Adding resources to an activity

When creating activities, you have the option to attach a resource as a checklist item.

When you click the resources icon, you have the option of attaching a resource you’ve already added to your organization in the Resources list or of adding a new resource. To add an existing resource, search for it and then select it in the dropdown.

To add a new resource, either paste a link or click to upload a file. When you enter the link or upload the file, a popup will open for you to enter or edit information for the resource.

This is where you can add more details about the resource. For more information on resource features, see Understanding resources. Make sure to click Save to keep your information.

Edit a resource

You can update everything about a resource, from the resource title to the actual file or link. Replacing a file or link just requires you to click Replace on the Resources page.

When you update a resource, the changes will automatically apply to every activity the resource is attached to. This means that you only have to make one change to update all of the activities that may be using the same resource.

There are two ways to get to a resource to edit it, using the Resources list page and an activity with the resource attached.

If you want to edit a resource on the Resources list page, simply click the resource title to open it. Make the required changes and then click Save to keep your updates.

If you’re in an activity and need to update a resource, simply hover over the resource title. A pop-up will come up over the resource title, click Edit.

Make the required changes and then click Save to keep your updates.

Delete a resource

To remove a resource from Workleap Onboarding, open the Resources page as if you need to make an edit. Scroll down and select Delete.

When you delete a resource it will remain in the activities it is already attached to but will not be available to add to activities going forward. Deleting a resource cannot be undone.

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