What are Teams?
In Pingboard, Teams are used to organize your company’s employees into the cross-functional teams in which they work. Your Teams can be viewed in the Directory and in the Teams Matrix view of your Org Chart.
When employees click into a Team, they will be able to:
See who is on that Team
Read a description of that Team (if added)
View a Calendar of Statuses specific to that Team
Filter a view of the Team by location, department, skills, job titles, and more
Note: If you are an existing customer that has used the Groups setting to organize your company’s teams, you can migrate your Groups into Teams. Read this article to learn how.
How Can I Create a Team?
Go to Directory > Teams and select +New Team.
Type in your Team name (required).
Add a Team description (optional) that provides details about what the team does, why it was created, or any other information that would help employees understand the team’s purpose.
Upload a Team logo (optional).
Select the permissions for that Team.
Click the first toggle “on” to allow any people at your company to view the Team.
Click the second toggle “on” to allow any people to join and leave the Team.
Add members to the Team by searching for a person or group and then selecting “Add Members”.
How Can I Make Edits to a Team?
You can make edits to a Team at any time. Simply click on the name of the Team you’d like to edit and select the “Settings” button in the top right corner of the page. Under Settings, you can:
Make edits to the Team name, description, logo, and viewing or joining permissions
Delete the Team entirely
Add or remove Team members
Other Tips
Anyone with Admin or Company Editor permissions can create, edit, and delete Teams.
A Team name is required when creating a Team, but the description and image are optional.
Any Teams that your employees are part of will appear on their employee Profile in Pingboard.
You will have the ability to search for Teams in your primary search bar.
Note: If you do not see the Teams setting in your account, you might be on a legacy plan. Please reach out to Customer Support at help@pingboard.com to update your account.