Groups provide a framework for Admins to organize employees by important connections they hold. Project teams, shared interest groups, skill pools, cultural initiatives, and other cross-functional groupings are all perfect candidates for Groups in your Pingboard account. Each Group includes helpful widgets that show what's happening with its members, and any Admin can add or edit Groups and their details.
Head to Directory > Groups and select +New Group to get started, then add details to customize your new Group page:
Name: The name of the Group, like "Company Blog Team".
Description: Details of the group itself, the Departments or distinguishing characteristics that make it up, and how this group gets work done. For example "The Blog Team are writers, editors and contributors dedicated to creating quality content for our company's blog. Includes members of the Marketing, Content, Support, and Growth departments." (This field uses Markdown to add styles like bold or italic text and bullet-points.)
Logo: A team photo, logo, or related image.
Employees can view this group: Determines whether or not the Group you're creating will be visible to employees from the Groups page of the Directory.
Employees can join and leave this group: Determines whether or not the Group you're creating is available for selection in the "Groups" section of an employee's profile.