Creating a shared link to your chart is a great way to give people without a Pingboard profile, access to your Org Chart. For instance, your Board of Directors may not need to be included in your Pingboard Directory, but may still want to be able to pull up and navigate through your Org Chart and its details.
Admins can turn on sharing by clicking the Download button to the right of the Gear icon in the upper-right corner of the Org Chart, then click Share Org Chart. This will open up a modal where you can turn on Link Sharing and copy your Shared Org Chart link to send it to anyone who needs to access your Org Chart.
Note: Turning sharing options off or regenerating your share link destroys access to the current link, and turning it back on (or regenerating the link) creates a fresh link for you to share.
If you've created Departments on your Org Chart, you can also use the Departments Filter to share a specific Department's section of the Org Chart.
Click Filter in the top right corner of your org chart, then choose the department you wish to filter to.
Click the Download button to the right of the Gear icon in the upper-right corner of the Org Chart page, then click Share Org Chart.
Select Copy and choose Current View to copy and share a link to that specific Department's section of the chart.
That link shares the specific Department view you've selected, but keep in mind that your entire Org Chart is still technically shared as viewers can still use the filtering tools on the share link page to reveal the full chart.
Tip: Only your Live Org Chart will be shared – all profile information and other sections of Pingboard will still only be accessible by employees who can sign in to Pingboard.