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How to Use Applause Values
Updated over 2 months ago

What are Applause Values?

Value Tagged Applause (2).png

Applause Values combines our peer recognition feature with your Company Values by allowing you to tag Applause with values as determined by your company. Any Applause created in Pingboard can be tagged with your Company Values. Once submitted, the Applause message will appear with the Value name and icon highlighted underneath.

In order to add Values to Applause, you must first set up your Company Values on your Company Page.

How to add Values to Applause

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In order to tag values when giving Applause, you must first make sure you’ve properly set up your company’s values on the Company Page in Pingboard. Read this article to learn how. Once your company values have been added, they will be populated in the Applause modal in Pingboard and in Slack.

  1. In the Applause modal on the Homepage, select +New.

  2. Type in the name of the coworker(s) you’d like to applaud.

  3. Type in your message (up to 300 characters)

  4. Select the company value(s) that are best aligned with the Applause message. You can tag as many values as you’d like.

  5. Click “Send”.

After submitting your Applause with Values, the Applause message with the tagged values will appear on the Homepage in Pingboard, the recognized employee’s Profile, and in Slack or Microsoft Teams (if you have these integrations enabled).

Viewing the Applause Values Leaderboard

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On your homepage, you'll see a Leaderboard tile which highlights the employees who have received the most Applause for each of your company values. The leaders shown are those from the past month. (If it is currently December, you will see Leaderboard totals from November on the home page.)

You can click "View Details" to see a full breakdown of the Leaderboard including:

  • Received: top three recipients of value-tagged Applause for a selected time frame

  • Gave: top three givers of value-tagged Applause for a selected time frame

  • Value Distribution: a visual breakdown of how many values have been tagged to Applause for a selected time frame

Users with Reporting permissions will be able to click on any value in the Leaderboard and view an auto-generated Report which shows more details about the value counts.

Turning Off the Value Leaderboard

Any Pingboard users can view the Value Leaderboard on their homepage when logged in. If you would like to turn off the Leaderboard so that it no longer appears on your Pingboard homepage, you can do so if you have Admin permissions.

  1. Navigate to "Company" in your lefthand menu.

  2. On your Company Page, scroll down to the Company Values tile and click the edit icon in the top right corner.

  3. Under Display Preferences, uncheck "Display the Value Leaderboard".

This will turn off the Leaderboard for all users in your account. The Values Leaderboard can be turned back on at any time.

Viewing the Applause Values Dashboard

After a minimum of five Values have been added to Applause given in Pingboard, you will be able to view a dashboard of Applause Values metrics on the Company Page. These metrics are calculated on a rolling 30-day date range, and can be viewed by anyone with access to the Company Page. The Applause Values Metrics include:

  • Number of values that have been tagged to Applause

  • Number of employees that have been applauded for values

  • Number of employees have tagged values when giving Applause

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