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Performance overview
Updated over 2 months ago

The Performance add-on offers employees the resources they need to develop the recognition they deserve to be motivated, and the accountability to know what is expected. When you use Performance you have:

  • Flexibility to set up the performance management flow as you want.

  • An ecosystem that fosters engagement.​

  • Accumulated information on the progress you and your employees have made.​

The Performance add-on introduces three main concepts:

  1. Cycles

  2. Events

  3. Review forms


Cycles offer you the flexibility to set up your performance management flow in a way that works for the teams in your organization. A Cycle can have just one event, or you can set up multiple events throughout the year.

Cycle Owners can be assigned by Executive Managers when the Cycle is created. By default, the Executive Manager will be a Cycle Owner for any new Cycle they create. Once they assign at least one additional Cycle Owner, they can remove themselves if desired.

If you are a Cycle Owner or Executive Manager, you can create reviews, completely customized to the needs of the specific teams within your organization.


When you create a cycle, you can add Events to it.

Events allow Direct managers to track and evaluate performance throughout a Cycle, continuously.

If you are an Executive Manager or Cycle owner, you can create a Review event and launch your Cycle once at least one event is created.

Review forms

There are two types of review forms, Manager reviews and Self-reviews.

Once a review event is added to a Cycle by a Cycle Owner or Executive Manager, the assigned participants will be able to fill out the review form. Direct Managers will review their team members and members will be able to fill in their self-reviews.

If you are a Cycles owner or Executive Manager, you can create custom review templates or use the Workleap Officevibe template when getting started.

Roles, rights, and visibility

Please see Performance roles, rights and visibility to understand how the different roles interact with this feature, their rights, and who has visibility on what.

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