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Activity overview
Updated over 2 months ago

As you may have read in our Basic concepts article, activities are tasks that should be completed in your onboarding process by a given date. Activities are basically the building blocks of Workleap Onboarding, they make up the to-do list for every onboarding plan!

Here are a couple of good examples of what you might create an activity for:

  • A welcome clip by the CEO that should be watched by a new employee on their first day.

  • A reminder and instructions to the IT department to create a company email for a new employee before their first day.

Activities have all kinds of amazing features. You can attach resources and clips to make instructions fun and accessible, in addition to creating reminder dates so that notifications are sent to assignees. In this article, we’re going to break down each feature available in activities so that you can make a truly personalized onboarding experience!

If you already understand what an activity is and want to get to work adding, editing, or removing them from a plan, see Manage activities.

Activity features

1. Title

Click to create an activity title, try to make this title as descriptive as possible so that it gives an assignee a hint of what they’ll have to do. The title is what shows on the plan calendar and on an assignee’s Home page. You can also select an emoji to enhance your activity.

2. Description

In this section, you can write an introduction to the task the assignee is going to work on.

3. Feed

In the feed section, you can see comments and reactions that you and others have made on the activity. If you wish to post a comment on the activity, you can do so from the feed section and select if it should be visible to everyone or to the plan's editors only. You can also notify your teammates by tagging them.

4. Status

This section displays the current status of the activity and allows you to update it. If you’re not ready for your activity to become part of a plan, you can mark it as draft in this section. Draft activities will not show up for assignees.

5. Start date and due date

By default, a new activity will have the start date filled in based on the calendar day you created the activity. Click the date and a dropdown opens where you can change the start date, as well as add a time and a due date.

6. Assignees

Click the plus sign to assign an activity to a teammate. The assigned teammate will be notified. The activity and all its instructions will appear on the assignees’ Home page to complete.

7. Support contact

The contact person will receive feedback and reactions from the assignees of a task.

8. Checklists, attachments, and clip requests

Checklists allow you to write out individual steps for an activity or place helpful clips and resources for information. You can add resources and clips as checklist items so that assignees have all the material they need to complete an activity. You can even request a clip from a teammate from inside a checklist item!

More information on checklists, such as adding and ordering multiple checklists, and editing checklists is in Activity checklist.

9. Clip

We suggest you record a video or audio clip to give a more personalized intro to the activity. You can read more about clips in our article Recording clips.

10. Meeting

To add a meeting to an activity and sync it to your calendar, click on Meeting. This opens up options to configure your meeting. See our articles on Calendar sync integrations for more information on connecting your outside calendars.

11. Actions

By clicking on the three dots at the top right, you will be presented with some actions allowing you to duplicate the activity, to copy it to another plan or template, and to delete it.

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