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Having Trouble Signing In?
Updated over 2 months ago

No worries — We got you!

Login issues can be resolved quickly in most cases.

Here are some points we recommend you review and answer before troubleshooting:

1. Are you logging in from a computer or mobile device?

If you are logging in from a computer, verify that your browser is up to date and meets our IT Requirements to Use Officevibe.

If you are on a mobile device, try signing into Officevibe on a different browser. (We recommend Google Chrome for the best experience).

2. You cannot connect to your VPN in the office or work remotely.

If you cannot connect via VPN, we recommend reaching out to your internal IT Team.

3. You are experiencing an incorrect username or password prompt.

You can reset your password here if you are logging into Officevibe and getting an incorrect username and/or password. Check your Junk or Spam folder if the email doesn't come to your inbox.

Note: Double-check that you have entered the correct email address and password!

4. You are getting a prompt to access an integration platform.

If you see the below prompt when you try to log into Officevibe, you may be trying to log in with a single sign-on option that is not active by clicking one of the platform widgets on the sign-in page. If your Network does not have Single Sin-On set up, do not click on one of the integration widgets, as this is only for those with this setup. Enter your email address and password, and click Sign in.

You can consult with an Admin of your account for more details on the Single-Sign-On solutions they can/have put in place to access Officevibe.

Note: If your organization does require you to sign in using one of the Single Sign-On Integrations and you need to reset your password, the Password Reset must be done on the integration side. (e.g. Slack, Google, O365, or via Officevibe here).

If you are still encountering issues logging in, here are other things to look for:

  1. Check with your Administrator or direct Manager to confirm that your email is correct and that you have accepted your Officevibe Invitation

  2. Check your junk folder for your Officevibe Password Reset email

5. Whitelisting communications or emails not sent out to your members.

To ensure all emails are being sent to your members, you may need to whitelist our outgoing email addresses depending on your internal IT email permissions — check out the IT Requirements to use Officevibe.

1. Add the following IP to your email provider:

To display images received via email:

2. Adding Officevibe sender emails to your email provider whitelist - Officevibe may send emails from the following addresses :

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