Achieving lasting success in an organization isn't about a sudden burst of inspiration or relying on a handful of standout performers. It involves high-performing teams with clear goals and motivation. Workleap Officevibe is designed to put your teams and their people at the forefront of your journey.
Customizable template:
We will be launching Officevibe very soon and we are all very excited! On (LAUNCH DATE), an invitation will be sent to you via email. Here's some info to keep in mind:
Setup your profile
You will be receiving an invitation to join Officevibe and answer a quick intro survey of 10 questions. Please remember to activate your account as soon as you receive the invitation email, as the invitation link is only valid for 7 days!
Before the survey, you'll be prompted to choose your survey language, your first/last name, your password, and your survey delivery method. At the end of the survey, you'll be able to access your personal Officevibe profile.
Officevibe and Anonymity
The answers you give in this survey will be completely anonymous. You will have the opportunity to leave written feedback as well. This feedback is by default anonymous, or you can decide to reveal your identity - it's your choice!
Read more about the rules that Officevibe puts in place to protect your identity: Officevibe and Anonymity
Need help?
For any questions or concerns please contact (NAME OF THE CONTACT).
Thank you,