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Officevibe & Non-Desk Workers
Officevibe & Non-Desk Workers
Updated over 2 months ago

Ensuring your employees receive their Officevibe invitations and surveys in a digital era ought to be easy. It can, however, be more difficult when you have non-desk workers – from those on the shop floors to delivery drivers, warehouse workers, front-line staff, field sales reps, and more.

Note: No email? No problem! Non-Desk workers can receive Officevibe Surveys via SMS (see example below).

Non-desk workers or front-line staff may not have a fair chance to stay connected due to reasons such as:

  • Limited or no access to a computer.

  • Away from the office or on the road.

  • Infrequent or no visits to a regional or head office.

  • No corporate accounts for email or cloud-based storage.

  • Unable to access important information on the go.

  • Difficulties connecting or communicating with peers and managers.

  • Lack of visibility of company news and updates in real-time.

In this article, we've compiled our best practices around using Officevibe with the realities of non-desk workers:

1. Communicate the arrival of Officevibe

Changes at work can be challenging, so it's important to frame the launch of Officevibe as an exciting opportunity! Your employees will have the chance to make their voices heard anonymously and safely.

Making sure your employees are aware of the arrival of Officevibe is a critical part of a successful launch. Help them to understand why it's coming, why it's important, what's in it for them, and what's expected of them. You’ll want to start communicating the arrival of Officevibe to your teams before launching the tool. Before launch, ensure that your non-desk workers are set up to get the communications and have space to ask questions about what is to come.

Here, you’ll find a suggested communication plan with templates for each step.

Another blocker that could arise when you're not communicating with corporate emails is that the email gets lost in a spam folder. Allowlisting Officevibe's emails won't help prevent this when using personal emails, so it's important to mention this to those being invited with personal email addresses.

2. Promote SMS for survey communications

Your non-desk workers can also be invited to take their surveys on their mobile devices. The Team Managers must ensure that the phone number provided to them is correct and then send the Officevibe invitation to the non-desk workers.

Once your non-desk workers have accepted their Officevibe invitation on their mobile devices, they can take their first survey.

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The non-desk workers can log in to Officevibe using their phone number instead of email. This is helpful to workers who have access to a phone but not a computer.

3. Reply to feedback, share results, and take action

It's important to reassure all Members who participate in surveys that their voices are being heard. To encourage members to keep participating, Team Managers should reply to all the feedback they receive. Additionally, having managers regularly discuss Team results with their teams will encourage long-term adoption for everyone!

After you identify areas of improvement, take action on what the data has revealed. We believe checking the pulse survey report and drilling down is not enough. How you leverage these insights matters, so show you are listening and responding to issues promptly.

These are essential components of The Officevibe Loop! We highly encourage Team managers to watch our recorded Officevibe Training Capsules for Managers via this link to make the most of the platform.

4. Make space for 1-on-1 meetings

Relationships with Managers have a huge impact on engagement and productivity. As a Manager, booking regular 1-on-1 meetings as a 'check-in' process sets the expectation and reassurance that you are reachable and that you care about non-desk workers, which prevents them from feeling forgotten.

1-on-1 meetings are among the essential tools a Manager has and one of the best ways to ensure high individual and team performance. They help build trust, align with the team and individual goals, discuss mindsets, and maintain good communication based on transparency with each team member.

5. Introduce Officevibe during onboarding

Thoughtfully onboarding new staff into your Organization is crucial in getting people excited and engaged with their new roles. With front-line and non-desk workers, there are additional considerations to have to avoid feelings of disconnect.

We suggest including Officevibe as part of your onboarding checklist, explaining the importance of the member's voice, what's expected of them, and how anonymity works.

This communication template could help you find the right words!

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