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Performance Analytics
Updated over a week ago

Performance analytics overview

Workleap Performance Analytics offers a comprehensive view of employee ratings within a specific cycle.

Accessing analytics based on user roles

  • Executives and Collaborators: Have access to data for the entire organization.

  • Managers: Can view data pertaining to their direct reporting lines.

Caution: Note that managers can only access the cycle details page if they are the reporting manager of at least one reviewee included in the review cycle.

Note: What is visible? Submitted reviews (ensuring accuracy in performance assessments) and questions using a rating scale format. Analytics for unlocked cycles update as reviews are submitted (in real-time), while locked cycles have static analytics since no more reviews can be submitted.

Tip: Text questions, along with multiple choice questions, are visible via our CSV report.

CSV export

Users can export review cycle data in CSV format, with access determined by role and permissions:

Executives: Can export data for all reviewees across the organization.

Managers: Can export data limited to their reporting line.

The exported file includes details such as the reviewee name, job title, review type, submission date, reviewer details, section name, question text, and answer values. The file is named with the review cycle title and timestamp for easy reference, and a success message will be displayed once the download is completed.

Comparison and filtering capabilities

For in-depth analysis, Users can compare data between two groups simultaneously, with the following options to choose from:

  • Organization

  • Manager

  • Team

  • Segment

Default Selections

For Executives and Collaborators

  • The first user group is pre-filled with their organization.

  • The second user group remains unfilled by default.

For Managers

  • The first user group is pre-filled with their organization. Managers will have access to the organization's rating distribution, allowing them to self-calibrate effectively.

  • The second user group is pre-filled with their direct reports (this applies regardless of whether a reporting line exists).

Caution: To enable effective comparisons, ensure that Teams (e.g., Sales, Marketing) and Segments (e.g., Tenure, Gender) are configured in the Platform settings.

Filtering options

The filter bar at the top of the analytics page allows users to refine data by:

  • Review type (self, peer, manager)

  • Specific questions

  • Rating scales

Note: These filters adjust both graphical and tabular data representations.

How to understand your results

Results can be viewed for all questions combined, multiple questions, or a single question. Scores update automatically based on selection.

  • For multiple questions or peer feedback, graphs display score ranges for clarity.

  • The system defaults to the most common rating scale points.

  • The rating scale selector only appears when multiple rating scales are available.

Distribution graph

Visual representations illustrate performance ratings across the organization:

  • X-axis: Displays the rating scale and labels.

  • Y-axis: Shows the percentage distribution.

Average Score Calculation

This provides an aggregated average score, combining ratings from all review types and questions:

  1. Convert each rating to a percentage of its scale (e.g., 3/5 = 0.60).

  2. Sum these ratings across all questions and calculate the average.

  3. Adjust to the appropriate scale.

If there are 2 questions using a 1-4 scale and 2 questions using a 1-5 scale, then the employee’s ratings are as follows:

  • Question 1 = 4/4 => 1

  • Question 2 = 3/4 => 0.75

  • Question3 = 5/5 => 1

  • Question4 = 2/5 => 0.4

The calculation would be:

  • Sum of percentages: 1 + 0.75 + 1 + 0.4 = 3.15

  • Number of questions: 4

  • Overall percentage: 3.15 / 4 = 0,7875

So, the employee’s overall rating score would be 3.15/4 or 3.94/5

Non-normalized averages and original scale preservation

This approach reflects data as collected, which is beneficial for organizations prioritizing original scale integrity. Our approach retains the nuance of the original scales, making non-normalized values relevant.

For example, 1/3 is worth more than 1/5 since the initial scale is preserved. Similarly, 2/3 is worth more than 3/5 following this logic.

With a normalized method, all values are adjusted to render them comparable on the same basis. I.e., 2/3 and 3/5 would be considered equal.

Table view – breakdown of results

Users can view average rating scores for each reviewee, with dynamic updates based on selected filters:

  • Results can be filtered by Team, Segment, or Direct Reports (reporting line).

  • Search for specific reviewees or managers.

  • Sort columns in ascending or descending order.

  • Based on the filters being shown chosen, the scores will change dynamically.

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