The foundation of a successful organization is not a flash of brilliance or the work of a select few. It consists of high-performing teams with drive and a clear vision. This is why Workleap Officevibe focuses on putting your teams and their people at the core of your experience.
Customizable Template:
Welcome to the beginning of your Officevibe experience! You, the managers, are crucial to the success of this project and for that reason, we want to make sure you have everything you need to succeed. The following document is going to go through the details of what Officevibe is, what it can do for you, what we expect, and when we are going to launch.
Why Officevibe?
(COMPANY NAME) wants to improve and grow as a company, and we firmly believe that this cannot be achieved without engaged employees. We want to focus on developing continuous conversations between employees and their managers, and Officevibe is going to help us identify areas to focus on. It will give you and your team members a shared space for purposeful goal-setting, coaching, and meaningful conversations.
What does it do?
Delivers simple quick surveys (WEEKLY, BI-WEEKLY, MONTHLY) to collect data on important metrics around team engagement.
Gives your team members the ability to leave anonymous feedback and have candid communications with their managers.
Allows you to set team goals and schedule 1-on-1 with team members.
Offers you quick how-to’s to improve leadership and sustain the growth of your teams.
What do we expect from you as a manager?
Review reports and reply to feedback left by members of your teams.
Be curious! Talk to your employees to dive deeper into your conversations, ask for advice, and question the status quo.
Discuss results with employees to set team goals.
Conduct more effective 1-on-1 meetings with your team members.
How is it going to help you?
Monitor the level of engagement of your teams in real time.
Receive feedback in real time.
Have more successful and performing teams.
Guidance for your 1-1 meetings, thanks to customizable suggested talking points.
Educational content to grow as a leader.
Next steps?
Announcement to the employees scheduled on: (DATE)
Watch the Officevibe Trainings for Managers
Take a look at the Manager's Toolbox
Launch scheduled on: (DATE)
For any questions, please contact: (NAME OF THE CONTACT).
For questions about the Officevibe tool, fill out this request form to get in touch with our Support team.