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Additional Manager Permissions
Updated over a month ago

Administrators can use manager permissions to control whether managers can add/remove members to their teams and whether they can share public links.

Additionally, Administrators have visibility on everything that is being shared. They can revoke public links at any time.

Setting permissions

As an Administrator, go to the Settings page, then click Permissions under the Member and team management section.

To enable a type of permission, select the permission you want to enable with the toggle and click Update.


Permission descriptions

Managers can manage their teams

When this permissions is enabled, Team Managers can add or remove members from the teams they already manage. Each Team Manager will have a pool of existing Officevibe members they can move around between their Teams.

Team Managers won't be able to delete members in Officevibe. Administrators are the only ones who can delete members.

Note: If an integration is active in the account, this permission will be disabled. Team Managers will have to contact their admin to make any changes to the members of their teams.

Managers can invite new members

When this permissions is enabled, Team and Executive Managers can invite new members to Officevibe. The new members will only be able to join these managers' teams.

Note: Since this type of permission allows new members to be added to Officevibe, this can affect your billing. To see the latest changes to your billing, go to the Billing page in your settings sections.

Managers can share public links

When this permission is enabled, Team Managers can share an overview of Pulse Survey, Custom Survey results, and specific feedback through a public link. Anyone with the link can see the overview of results even if they are not part of your organization.

As an Administrator, you can see shared links by going to Settings > Shared links (under the Data and Insights section). If you have a paid plan, you can revoke a shared link by selecting the checkbox for that link and clicking Revoke.

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