Workleap Officevibe is a tool for devoted managers and HR leaders who care as much for their people as they do about performance. With Workleap Officevibe, leaders, and teams can quickly measure and understand the factors fuelling the team’s engagement at work and pinpoint which conversations and actions need to happen to keep engagement and performance high.
Workleap Officevibe Loop for Leaders (Video):
Invite your team
Workleap Officevibe runs on your team members' input. That’s why the first step to getting started is to invite them into the platform. Their participation in the Pulse Survey is key to unlocking Workleap Officevibe’s value!
When you send the invitation, their Workleap Officevibe account will be created. All they have to do is accept and confirm their details. There are many ways to invite your team, so choose the one convenient to your organization’s context.
The Workleap Officevibe Loop
Through data and research, we have found that Workleap Officevibe works best if managers follow a 3-step process that happens every week.
We call this process The Workleap Officevibe Loop—a cycle that over time will take you from understanding your team to building relationships based on trust. This trust is built by showing genuine care for the team. In Workleap Officevibe, we create a safe space for teams to share feedback by giving them the option to be anonymous. When team members feel psychologically safe, they can be honest when sharing their thoughts, needs, and feelings. The Loop enables you to spark meaningful conversations based on what they have to say and show them you are resolving issues as they arise.
This cycle is a recommendation. Feel free to use Workleap Officevibe in other ways. Your team’s needs will be what will ultimately determine how you use it!
1. Check your team’s pulse
The first step in The Workleap Officevibe Loop is to get a good reading of how your team feels, what they need, and what they want. This is what we refer to as “the pulse.” Think of it as checking in on your team’s health just as you would with your heartbeat or temperature. It’s about checking often and making adjustments as they’re needed!
Here’s how you can take the pulse:
The Pulse Survey
A Pulse Survey is a short, quick set of questions sent out to your team regularly (weekly, biweekly, or monthly). During the survey, your team members answer questions that effectively and scientifically measure engagement levels. The follow-up questions will collect qualitative feedback. To foster a culture of psychological safety, team members can choose to be anonymous.
Once you start getting answers, the survey will be the source of engagement data. It will proactively gather more survey answers and feedback to get data-driven insights.
Check your Survey Report every week and review the 10 Key Metrics of Engagement for a clear understanding of what fuels your team’s engagement and to act on issues quickly.
Read the latest feedback to have a better understanding of your engagement data and uncover root causes.
These insights will either confirm your instincts or help you uncover issues you were unaware of. Positive and negative things about your team will come to the surface. Regardless of what comes to light, use these insights to understand what affects your team over time.
Tip: If you’re an HR leader, this step of the Loop is a great way to check if your organization’s programs and initiatives are having a positive impact on the employee experience you’re aiming to create!
You can take the pulse on an individual level by booking 1-on-1s with each team member. These conversations are an opportunity to dive deeper into each person’s engagement level and what’s unique to them. The collaborative agenda is where you can keep your discussion points organized before, during, or after your 1-on-1.
2. Drill down
Now it’s time to drill down and identify the root cause of any issues that surfaced while checking the pulse.
Use these tools to drill down:
Survey Report: Take a closer look at your sub-metrics, question report (Paid plan only), and eNPS score to analyze your results and find areas of improvement.
Custom Surveys: Send customized questions or use our Custom Survey templates to dig deeper into each metric. Your team’s answers will act as indicators of what to discuss further with your team.
Feedback: Reply to your team’s feedback to start a dialogue and find the underlying message behind their feedback. You can click on Help me reply if you need help navigating this area.
Tip: Promote a culture of openness by sharing the Survey Report and discussing it as a team. You can share the report by clicking Share on the Survey Report page.
3. Act together
After you identify areas of improvement, take action on what the data has revealed. As a manager, you are the one who can drive solutions and create a positive impact on the team. When your team sees their feedback being used to improve their workplace, they will have the confidence to share their needs with you.
Here's what to do:
Set a monthly meeting to go through the Survey Report as a team.
Discuss the highest and lowest metrics and how they impact the team culture.
Do a roundtable of what each metric means to each person to get their unique perspectives.
Commit to 1 to 3 opportunities to tackle together as a result of your discussion. You can set them as a Team goal for greater visibility and alignment.
Schedule weekly 1-on-1s to touch base on the Team goal and see if they have any questions, concerns, or ideas. This is also a great opportunity to discuss sensitive topics with each person that might not be ideal to open up in a group setting.
Team meetings like this one encourage members to get into the habit of talking about what they can improve as a team. Plus, it gives everyone the chance to get to understand their peers better.
Even if your survey hasn't been active for a long time, it's still worth it to meet with the team with your earliest survey results. It might be early to reach conclusions, but you can get the discussion started and set expectations with your team on how these meetings will work.
4. Repeat
Go back to step 1—this time measuring the impact of your actions—and repeat the cycle again! Workleap Officevibe will always be your team’s safe space. The information it reveals and the scores for each metric will fluctuate over time.
The more you go through the steps above, the more you will understand your team and the shifts on their engagement. And by making small changes over time, you will build the trust needed to resolve the issues that will have a long-lasting impact on engagement and performance.