Workleap Officevibe allows you to empower all Managers in your organization with their teams' results. You must have one of Officevibe's paid plans to filter results and feedback by the teams created. Click here to learn more about our plans and pricing.
1. Create a Team
Click on the Settings gear > Teams section. Administrators and Executive Managers can see the entire list of Teams.
You can easily create a team for each manager in your organization using the Bulk Provisioning file or automate this process via an Officevibe integration.
Team managers should not be part of the team they manage as team members are the only ones who count on Officevibe scores and feedback from said team. We recommend that the Team Manager is never a Member of their own Team to prevent impacting the results of that particular Team.
Only Officevibe Administrators can create New Team on Officevibe:
Team name: The name of the Managers, Department, Business Unit, etc.
Team Manager(s): Manager(s) that will have access to see the team's results
Members: The direct report of the Team Manager(s).
Sub-teams: Smaller Officevibe teams that belong to the Department, Business unit, etc.
Color: Range of colors to help with sorting. |
All access levels are explained here: Members' Roles & Access Rights.
2. Edit Existing Team
Administrators can edit the existing teams on Officevibe and delegate this responsibility to managers via their account settings.
2.1. Add Members
Type the member's name in the designated box to add them to the Team.
If a member is removed from one Team and added to another, their historical data remains in their previous Team, and they only begin impacting the results of the new team when they respond to a survey while in that team. This is because the day of the member's addition to the Team is considered "Day 1" for data collection in the case of the new member.
2.2. Remove Member
Remove Members by clicking on the red Remove button adjacent to their name when viewing the team's list.
Note: Removing an employee from a team will not deactivate their profile on Officevibe. For more information, see How to Manage Your Members.
2.3. Add Sub-Team(s)
In Officevibe, you can add teams to a parent team using the sub-teams tab. Sub-teams are all the teams that roll up to the parent group.
To add a sub-team to a parent team, the sub-teams need to first be created in the account as a regular team and appear under the drop-down menu when added to a parent team.
This allows Team Managers to analyze results at different levels:
Aggregated scores for the parent team.
Filter results for each sub-team to support other leaders.
Reply to feedback and Discuss results with the Manager's Direct reports.
Follow the steps in Replicate your Organizational Structure to replicate your organizational structure.
2.4. Assign Team Manager(s)
To assign a member as a Team Manager, you must select the Managers tab within the team.
Once done, type in the member's name in the designated box. One team can have multiple Team Managers. This update will automatically send an email to the Manager advising them that they have been given access to the team's results.
Tip: A best practice is not to include the Team's Manager as a member, as their responses will impact the results.
2.5. Edit Team information
Administrators can edit the team's information via the info tab displayed under the Team's name.
Deleting a team will permanently cause all Scores and Feedback related to that Team to be deleted. If employees are members of other teams, their scores and Feedback will remain for those other Teams.
2.6. Update Team Names
Manually | Via the Info tab.
Bulk | There is no way to change the Team names by adding the direct Manager's email in column "E."
This will result in the Team manager's name appearing as the Team's name. Once you re-upload a file, it will also overwrite the Team name manually changed in the platform.
Custom Integration (API) | You can change team names via Custom Integration (API). This requires uploading a file with the current Team names, so each team has a unique ID created for them, and then uploading another file to change the Team names as desired without creating new teams and losing your data.
To ensure that you keep the data, here is the best course of action:
I.e., "Team A" is to become "Team 1", and its ID appears as "0001" in your account. In Officevibe’s database, "Team A" is the assigned name and has no external ID (since there has not been an API sync yet in the account). The first API file has the following mapping {ID = 0001 and name = Team A}.
Initially syncing with the previously assigned name results in the application finding the correct Team in the database by its name and adding the proper external ID.
When we sync once again, the file looks like this {ID = 0001 and name Team 1}.
During the second sync, the app finds The team by its external ID and updates the name by changing it to "Team 1"
Any teams previously synced as Rule-based Teams but unsynced from their segment will turn into manual teams. Any manual teams not included in the API file will be deleted. Do not un-sync any Rule-based Teams you wish to keep if you have a Custom Integration. |
HRIS | Team mapping is currently available. |