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DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) Survey & Report
DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) Survey & Report
Updated over 2 months ago


This feature is only available to customers on our Enterprise Business or Pro plan (excluding customers using our Essential or Freemium plans).

Workleap Officevibe has a report to help you calibrate how your Members feel about representation at work.

Why should DEIB be measured in my organization?

Gathering DEIB insights is a commitment to nurture a culture that values the perspectives and experiences of every individual, regardless of background.

A visual of our DEIB Survey

The recurring Survey contains 20 questions, regrouped in the four following themes;

  1. Diversity

  2. Inclusion

  3. Equity

  4. Belonging

Activate the survey

The DEIB survey is deactivated by default. Administrators and Executive Managers can enable the survey.

To do this, go to

EN Settings Icon.jpg

> Officevibe > Surveys, then click Enable Pulse Survey. Then, scroll down to DEIB Survey and click the toggle switch to activate it.

Similar to our Pulse and Onboarding Survey, there is no way to modify the set of DEIB questions.

Conditions for the DEIB survey to appear

These are the conditions that must be met for a DEIB survey to appear to a user:

  • Pulse Surveys must be activated, as described above, because DEIB questions are appended to the end of Pulse Surveys (and clearly marked as DEIB questions). The answers to DEIB questions do not affect Pulse Survey statistics.

  • The DEIB survey must be activated by an Administrator or Executive Manager, as described above.

  • The member must be more than 6 weeks past their hiring date

  • The member must have completed their Onboarding survey.

Survey frequency

The DEIB survey will follow the pulse survey every month. Assuming a member answers their pulse survey in line with their frequency settings, that would look like this:

EN Frequency DEIB.jpg

You must Enable Pulse Survey to proceed to Survey frequency.

  • Weekly frequency: the DEIB survey will follow the pulse survey every fourth survey.

  • Bi-weekly frequency: the DEIB survey will follow the pulse survey every second survey.

  • Monthly frequency: the DEIB survey will follow the pulse survey every survey. If a member answers their pulse survey more frequently than their frequency settings (i.e., they answer the pulse survey multiple times a week), they will still only receive the DEIB survey questions once a month.

There are 5 DEIB survey questions attached to every survey frequency above. The full set of DEIB questions is repeated 3 times a year but results are refreshed monthly.

The DEIB report

The report is accessible by clicking on Surveys > DEIB in the side-option menu. This report's results are only visible to Executive Managers.

The top of the report displays the overall statistics:

The overall score is the average of the scores for the 4 categories in the survey. The graph displays the score's change over time. If you see a dotted line along a portion of the graph, it means data is missing for that time period. This is either because the survey wasn't launched, less than 3 members answered it, or the survey was paused and then unpaused.

At the top corner of the graph, the participation rate is displayed, based on the last 30 days. Hover over it to see the actual number of participants compared to the total number of members in the organization.

Each of the four themes' results are aggregated into their own designated section. Hover over a themed section's results to view the breakdown of each question. Here's an example of one of the themes in the report:

EN DEIB Equity.jpg

Export the survey report

Users with Executive Manager permissions can click Export at the top-right of the page to export the results to a CSV file. The export will always show data from the last 12 months, grouped by month. If less than 3 different users answered the survey in a given month, that month's data will display "0" for all answers to protect anonymity.

Important information

  1. This will then require an Administrator or Executive Manager to enable it via the

    EN Settings Icon.jpg

    icon > Surveys.

  2. The full set of DEIB results will be refreshed 3 times/year for every pulse survey frequency.

  3. DEIB results are only visible to Executive Managers.

  4. The anonymity rules of the standard Pulse Survey carry over to DEIB surveys. This means all questions are anonymous by default and require the same number of answers before data will be available to Executive Managers.

  5. The DEIB report appears under the Surveys tab in the side menu.

  6. The DEIB report groups questions of the same themes and provides a summary score for each theme.

  7. Similar to the pulse survey, the results of the DEIB report will be unlocked once at least three members of the organization have provided answers to at least three different questions in the DEIB survey

  8. The overall score is an average of all the questions that have been answered in the DEIB survey

  9. The theme score is an average of all of the unlocked questions for that theme.

  10. The theme scores themselves do not impact the overall score. Overall scores are an average of all the questions answered that have been answered in the DEIB survey.

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