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Manage and track your Performance Cycles
Updated over 2 months ago

After creating a performance cycle, it can be tracked, edited, and deleted by its owners.

To access the Performance Cycles page, expand the Performance option from the lefthand menu, then click Cycles.

Track the status of a Cycle

From the Performance Cycles page, you can view the status of a Cycle to track its progress.

You will see the status of a Cycle as one of the following:

  • Draft: The cycle has not yet been launched, and you may still edit it fully.

  • Upcoming: The cycle launch will happen in the future based on the start date of the first event.

  • Active: The Cycle's start date has been reached.

  • Overdue: The last Event due date has passed (it is possible that some participants have not finished all the Events).

  • Archived: The Cycle is archived/deleted.

For details, click on the cycle. You'll see the summary at the top and the individual events within the cycle underneath.

Event details:

Click on an event within the Cycle to do the following:

  • See which participants have completed it

    • For each participant that has submitted their review, you'll have the option to view it. Click the participant to see their review. If there is both a manager review and a self-review, there will be a tab for each. Click the Export button on this page to download a PDF of the submission.

  • Close the event

    • Click Close this event at the top of the page to close the event and prevent further submissions.

  • Export submissions as an Excel file

    • Click Export at the top of the page. You'll be able to choose which submissions to include in the export.

Edit a Cycle

Note: The Cycle Owners and Executive Managers cannot edit a Cycle if a participant has already completed their Review Event.

From the Performance Cycles page, select one of the performance cycles, then click the three dots menu in the corner and select Edit from the menu.

Edit the details as required. It's the same process as creating a performance cycle, except the options that cannot be edited are locked.

Delete a Cycle

You can delete a Cycle in "Draft" status. From the Performance Cycles page, select one of the performance cycles, then click the three dots menu in the corner and select Delete from the menu.

Note: Cycle owners and Executive Managers cannot delete a Cycle after launching it.

Archive a Cycle

You can archive a Cycle that has been launched. Participants will no longer be able to complete their assigned events within the Cycle.

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