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Updated over a month ago

The Users page lets you view and update your users' properties, Team access, permissions, and more. You can also add, deactivate, or delete users from the Users page.

Depending on your permission level, you may not see some information or be able to perform certain actions described on this page. Contact your Workleap administrator for more information.

Users list

The Users list is your hub for exploring and modifying your user base. You can add new users or filter and browse to find the specific user(s) you're looking for. You can see each user's name, role(s), product access, hire date, and status in the Users list.

Select a single user to view or modify their properties.

Filter the Users list

Select Add filter to open the filters drawer. Filter users by product access, roles, status, creation date, or invitation date. You can also use the search bar to find users by name.

You can see the applied filters at the top of the Users list. To remove a filter, select the X next to it.

Invite new users

To invite new users to Workleap:

  1. Open Settings and select Users from the side menu.

  2. Select Add users.

  3. Select an invite method.

  4. Fill out the prompt with the appropriate information, then select Invite members.

Single-user actions

Select the three dots button in the desired row to open that user's single-user action menu (shown below).

Modify the selected user's permissions, product access, or activation status directly from the Users list. You can also delete users from the single-user action menu.

Tip: You can access all the actions listed above from a user's Details or Access tab.

Bulk actions

If you select the checkbox next to multiple users, the bulk action options appear at the top of the Users list.

You can select the checkbox at the top of the Users list to select all users on the current page.

Manage roles

Use the checkboxes to edit the roles of the selected users.

Manage product access

Use the checkboxes to edit the selected users' product access.

Three dots menu

Use the three dots menu to Invite, Send invite reminder to, Reactivate, Deactivate, or Delete the selected users.


Select a user from the Users list to open their details. Here, Admins and Executives can view or update a user's properties as well as deactivate or delete the user. You can reactivate a deactivated user from their details.

Use the Details tab to manually configure the following properties of the selected user:

Personal information

  • Profile picture (add, edit, or delete)

  • First and last name

  • Preferred name (if selected, this name will be used in Workleap email notifications)

  • Gender

  • Language

  • Birth date

  • Time zone

Contact information

  • Personal email

  • Phone number

Work details

  • Company

  • Job title

  • Department

  • Direct manager

  • Hire date

  • Termination date


  • City

  • State or province

  • Country

Custom properties

This section shows all of the custom properties set up by your organization's Admins or Executives. To learn how to set up custom properties, see Properties.

Updating a user's properties can impact their adhesion to a segment.



Here, you can view and update the user's role. Roles define which Workleap permissions the member has access to.

For more info on Workleap LMS-specific roles and permissions, see Roles and permissions.

See each role's permissions below:


  • Organizational settings

  • Billing settings

  • Users

  • Roles

  • SSO

  • Teams

  • Segments

  • Properties

  • Can activate new Workleap products

Administrators have the right to promote others to the Administrator or Executive role. Note that all Workleap accounts must have at least one Administrator and one Executive. The user who signs up for Workleap is both an Administrator and Executive by default.


  • Users

  • Roles

  • Teams

  • Segments

  • Properties

  • All Pulse Survey reports

  • All Participation reports

  • All Custom Survey reports

  • All Feedback

  • All Good Vibes

  • All Goals

Executives have the right to promote others to the Executive role. Note that all Workleap accounts must have at least one Administrator and one Executive.

Tip: Executives can have full access to all your organization's Workleap products or only specific products.


  • Some user information (not properties)

  • All Pulse Survey reports

  • All Participation reports

Tip: Collaborators can have full access to all your organization's Workleap products or only specific products.

Team Manager (Officevibe only)

When a user is assigned a Team's Manager, they gain permission to modify the following aspects of that Team only:

  • Users (if enabled)

  • Teams (if enabled)

  • Pulse Survey reports

  • Feedback

  • Participation reports

  • 1-on-1s

  • Good vibes

Direct Manager

Direct Managers manage a variety of Workleap products and features for their employees, such as Workleap Performance. Direct Managers can view the basic information of their employees.


If enabled, Employees can edit their own identification information (first, last, and preferred name).

Edit the scope of a user's role (coming soon)

Users from the Executive and Collaborator roles can have full access or access only to specific products.

To edit the scope of an Executive or Collaborator:

  1. Open Settings and select Users from the side menu.

  2. Open the desired user's permissions from the single-user action menu or the Access tab.

  3. Select the checkbox to enable the desired role.

  4. Select Full access or Specific products to set the scope of the user's role.

    • If Full access is selected, the user's role will extend to all your organization's Workleap products.

  5. If Specific products is selected, check the box next to all products you want the user's role to extend to.

  6. Select Confirm.

You can edit the scope of existing Executives and Collaborators by selecting Edit under Scope in their permissions.

Tip: You can edit the scope of multiple users at once as a bulk action.

Product access

Use the toggles to choose which Workleap product(s) the selected member can access.


The Teams tab lets you view and modify the selected user's Team accesses and the role they hold within each Team.

Select Assign to a team to add the user to a new team,

to update the user's Team access, or

to remove them from a team.


The Officevibe tab lets you configure the selected user's Pulse Survey preferences.

Pulse Survey preferences

Update the user's survey delivery method, language, time, or day as needed, then select Save.

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