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Custom Surveys
Updated over a month ago

Use Custom Surveys to create personalized questionnaires. Custom Surveys are separate from Officevibe Surveys.

Custom Surveys page

The Custom Surveys page shows all active Custom Surveys. You can also see the completion rate, number of recipients, activation date, and survey creator name.

You can view the Active, Drafts, and Closed Custom Surveys:

Active - Custom Surveys that are sent or scheduled to be sent. Active Custom Surveys will continue to be sent to all team members in the audience as long as the survey isn't closed.

Drafts - Custom Surveys that are in the process of being created to be sent out.

Closed - Custom Surveys that have been closed. These Custom Survey questions will no longer be sent out; however, you will continue to have access to the results.

Three dots menu

Select the three dots icon next to an entry on the Custom Surveys page to access several additional options:

Send Reminder: Once launched, you can send a reminder to Custom Survey recipients who haven't responded yet.

Edit: Edit an open Custom Survey as needed. You cannot add new questions to a launched survey.

Save as template: Save a launched Custom Survey as a template.

Duplicate: Duplicate a Custom Survey to create similar surveys.

Close survey: Close a Custom Survey when complete to freeze its responses and prevent employees from submitting new data.

Note: Some options listed above may not show for you depending on your permissions.

Create a Custom Survey

Based on your Roles & Access Rights (Executive, Team Manager, etc.), you can choose whether your Custom Survey will be sent to the whole organization or a specific team. Executives can send a Custom Survey to the entire organization or to specific teams, and Team Managers can send Custom Surveys only to their assigned teams.

To create a Custom Survey, you must go to the Custom Survey tab and click Create Custom Survey.
Choose to start from scratch or use a template.

Create a Custom Survey from scratch

To start from scratch, add a title and then a description (optional) and select the question type you want to use.

Choose from the following options:

Text Question - Employees can answer this question with text. This is a great way to get more information about a specific topic.

Opinion Scale - The Opinion Scale format presents a scale from 0 to 10.

Multiple-Choice -The Multiple-Choice format presents a question with up to 10 possible answer choices.

There is a character limit of 70 when using this option. Additionally, Members can choose more than one answer-options in the Multiple-Choice format, in addition to having the option to add free-text answers to the questions.

Likert scale - Members can choose from 5 options, from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.

Follow-up Questions - With the Opinion Scale, Multiple-Choice, or Likert scale options, you can add a follow-up question. The same rules about anonymity apply to see the anonymous qualitative answers.

Tip: Follow-up questions are meant to gather more information. Identify what's working for your team or where you can improve!

Note: If you need to leave the page or log out, click Continue at the bottom of your page to ensure your active Custom Survey is saved.

This will ensure that you don't have to recreate your questions once you access your Survey, as your last changes will have been saved, and your existing Custom Survey will be found under the Drafts tab.

Create a Custom Survey from a template

Use a template to get started fast. Choose from Officevibe's preset templates or templates created by your organization.

To create and save a template:

  1. Click New Custom Survey.

  2. Fill in your questions from scratch or edit a current template.

  3. Click Continue; This automatically saves your survey as a draft.

  4. Go back to the Custom Survey main page.

  5. Click the Drafts tab.

  6. Click the Three dots button next to the survey then select Save as template.

Choose to save it as a personal template (available for you only) or an organizational template (available to your whole org)

Audience and permissions


As an Executive, during step 3 of creating a template, you can select if you want the Custom Survey to appear as coming from you or from your organization.

You must also select an audience for your template, i.e., who you want the Custom Survey to reach. Select Everyone to send the survey to your whole organization or choose specific teams.

To send to multiple teams, begin typing the name of the team you wish to add and select it from the drop-down that appears. Keep going until you've added all the teams you want.


Choose a permission level for your Custom Survey. This determines who can view the survey responses.

Open: Any Team Manager in charge of a team targeted by this Survey can view the results for their team (and sub-teams). Those with access to all the teams within the audience can edit and archive the survey.

Closed: Blocks Team Managers from accessing the survey. Only Executives can view, edit, and close the survey.

Advanced filtering

Use filters to locate specific Custom Surveys. You can filter by team, creator, or completion rate.

Delivery, frequency, and closing options

Choose a delivery option, frequency, and closing option for your Custom Survey. These options determine when users receive the survey, how often, and when the survey closes.

Delivery options

Send Now - The survey is sent to your selected audience (sent separately from regular Officevibe Surveys).

Add to the next Pulse Survey - The Custom Survey appears after the employee's next Pulse Survey. Since employees can choose which day they prefer to receive their surveys in their Personal Settings, they won't all receive them on the same day.

Add to Pulse Survey after a scheduled date - The Custom Survey appears after the employee's next Pulse Survey following the selected date. Since employees can choose which day they prefer to receive their surveys in their Personal Settings, they won't all receive them on the same day.


  • None (non-recurring)

  • Weekly (every 7 days)

  • Every two weeks (every 14 days)

  • Monthly (every 30 days)

  • Quarterly (every 90 days)

  • Twice a year (every 180 days)

  • Yearly (every 365 days)

Tip: Hover your cursor over an entry on the Custom Surveys page to view its frequency and next occurrence. Survey frequencies are also shown on the report page.

Closing options

Close Custom Survey on a specific date - Closes the Custom Survey after the specified date (selected by default).

Close Custom Survey after participation rate reaches a specific threshold - Closes the Custom Survey after it reaches the specified participation rate. This option is only available when the selected frequency is None.

Close after a specific number of occurrences - Closes the Custom Survey after the specified number. This option is only available when you select a frequency other than None.

Do not close Custom Survey - The Custom Survey isn't closed until the survey is archived.

Important: If you have opted for Officevibe Communications via Microsoft Teams, Custom Surveys are sent via email rather than the MS Teams bot.

Custom Survey reports

Select an entry from the Custom Survey page to view a detailled report of the survey's progress and responses. You can access reports of both active and closed surveys.

Note: For Custom Surveys with a set frequency, you can select a report for each occurrence at the top of the report page. You can only access reports of survey occurrences that have been sent out.

To preserve anonymity:

  • At least 3 users must answer multiple-choice or scale questions before you can view response data.

  • At least 5 users must answer text-based questions before you can view response data.

Tip: Read more about Workleap and anonymity here.

Completion rate

The completion rate of the Custom Survey refers to the total number of answered poll questions, not the number of people who have completed the poll. We track all questions' responses based on whether they have been answered, skipped, or not yet seen. For example, if you had a Custom Survey with 5 questions sent to 10 people, 50 responses would give a 100% completion rate.

Note: Skipping survey questions counts as an answer. Questions are only considered unanswered if a user opens a survey and then closes it before finishing it.

Filtering report results

Use the drop-down to filter a Custom Survey report by team or segment, creator, or completion rate. Use the search bar to search for a team or segment by name.

Export a Custom Survey report to Excel

You can export a Custom Survey report as an Excel file anytime. See Custom Survey stats on the first tab and initial feedback on the left. The second tab shows results distribution and follow-up question feedback.

To export a Custom Survey in Excel format, open a Custom Survey report, then select Export.

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