What's an inactive user?
A user who hasn't answered any Pulse Survey questions in the last 30 days is considered inactive.
Note: Participation rate is calculated based on 30-day periods. As such, if a user misses even one monthly Pulse Survey, they'll be marked inactive, and your participation rate will drop.
Note: Inactive users still receive Pulse Survey notifications.
View inactive users (Administrators only)
To protect anonymity, only Administrators can see which users are inactive.
To see your organization's inactive users list:
Open Settings.
Select Officevibe under Product Settings in the sidebar.
Select Surveys.
Click inactive users under Pulse Survey reminders.
A modal appears that displays your organization's inactive users list.
Tip: Select Export full list to export your inactive users list in CSV format.
Send Pulse Survey reminders to inactive users
Send Pulse Survey reminders to encourage inactive users to respond to surveys. Pulse Survey reminders are sent by email and contain a new Pulse Survey link.
Note: To avoid sending too many reminders, new reminders aren't sent to users who have already received a Pulse Survey reminder in the past 14 days.
To select inactive users (Administrators only)
Open Settings.
Select Officevibe under Product Settings in the sidebar.
Select Surveys.
Select inactive users under Pulse Survey reminders.
Check the box next to all inactive users you want to include in the Pulse Survey reminder.
Use the search bar to find specific users by name.
Click Select all users to select all inactive users in the list. If desired, you can then deselect any users you want to exclude from the Pulse Survey reminder.
Select Send reminder.
To all inactive users (Administrators or Executives)
Open Settings.
Select Officevibe under Product Settings in the sidebar.
Select Surveys.
Select Send reminder under Pulse Survey reminders.
Enter a custom message in the text box if desired and confirm.
The reminder email shows our default message if you don't enter a custom message.
To inactive users in a team or segment (Executives only)
Open Officevibe.
Expand the Surveys option in the sidebar, then select Pulse Survey.
Use the first drop-down menu to select a team or segment.
Click Send survey reminder.
If this button is absent, it means the selected team or segment has no inactive users.
Enter a custom message in the text box if desired and confirm.
The reminder email shows our default message if you don't enter a custom message.
Note: You won't see which users in the team or segment are inactive.
Note: Team Managers can also send Pulse Survey reminders only to their teams.